26 April 2009
The Wheels on the Bus
don't you just love how the frame they picked makes her look like her finger is up her nose?
23 April 2009
Thursday Food & Take Your Child to Work Day
So today was take your child to work day, and I let Doug take the camera for awhile (cute pics of Sariah > food). So I'm missing the ice cream I had at cold stone & half my subway sandwich, chips & soda. Sariah had tons of fun at Epic, all the pics are posted on Facebook, so I just posted a few here.
I hear there was face painting, lots of crafts, a magician & lots of food at work today. So not things that are normally around when Doug's at work (well, maybe the food.) It looks like Sariah had tons of fun though. After Daddy took her to Wendy's for dinner, what a lucky girl!
22 April 2009
Wednesday Food
21 April 2009
Tuesday Food
Just in case your wondering, if there's some one in the photo, its because I shared whatever I was eating with them. We had lunch at Epic today, and I had Curry Crusted Temph w/ Pomegranate Sauce & Brown Basmati Rice (its apparently vegan & for the calorie conscious.) Doug and I split a Pink Lemonade Pie slice, which was perfection! The top picture is for my mom, who doesn't care what I'm eating, just what Sariah is.
20 April 2009
Food: Monday 4/20
16 April 2009
TEA Party Videos
Our "March" to the Capitol
Other videos:
US Rep Paul Ryan 1
US Rep Paul Ryan 2
15 April 2009
TEA Anyone?
Here's Doug and Sariah waiting for the busses to take us to the capitol.
We saw this guy after the rally, pretty awesome, right?
13 April 2009
Fighting Back
As a disclaimer: This is a post on politics. I appreciate that everyone has their own feelings/beliefs/political associations. I'm not looking to change your views, so I ask politely that you be respectful of mine in the comments. I withhold the right to delete any comment. Its my right, its my blog. That said, I welcome anything (nice) you have to say.
Did anybody realize that when Obama campaigned on the slogan "A Change We Can Believe In" he actually meant, I see the change in your pocket and I believe its mine? I see what politicians are doing today and I don't like it. How about that stimulus bill that was longer than the bible, probably harder to read, that was passed without practically anybody reading it? And the budget full of earmarks? The ones we were promised wouldn't be in any Obama budgets? Who knew that he actually meant all the ones after this one?
I'm a small government kind of gal. I don't believe we're victims of our situations. We all made choices and we should all take responsibility. I don't need government to "save" me. It bothers me when the government wants to take over businesses and health care and everything else. One only has to look at what they've already done with social security, Fanny Mae or Freddie Mac, to know that this is a disaster in the making. Basically, I don't like what I'm hearing in Washington.
I don't like what I'm hearing from the state capital either. My Governor says "look! I've cut the budget!" And yet his budget is 10% higher than last year. Its just not as high as he'd like it. He says my property taxes will go up $90 this year and $130 the year after, but don't worry, its not as much as it could of been because your property is depreciating. They want to raise taxes on everything from businesses to gas to cigerettes (where there was barely just a tax hike), yet the unemployment rate is rising and will continue if more taxes are levyed. Nevermind what's happening at the city & county level. News Flash! This city isn't big enough for a train!!!!
So we've decided to fight back. Enough is enough! We're going to have to live in this community for a long time, so we're going to make our voices heard. And we're starting on April 15th.
I hope most of you are award of the Tax Day TEA Parties happening throughout the nation. Don't expect a lot of coverage about them from the news stations, or if you do, it won't be good. But I'm here to tell you there is a silent majority of people who don't like they way the nation is going, and we're not going to be silent any more. Here's a short list of things we're unhappy about from the offical website.
Are you fed up with a Congress and a president who:
- vote for a $500 billion tax bill without even reading it?
- are spending trillions of borrowed dollars, leaving a debt our great-grandchildren will be paying?
- consistently give special interest groups billions of dollars in earmarks to help get themselves re-elected?
- want to take your wealth and redistribute it to others?
- punish those who practice responsible financial behavior and reward those who do not?
- admit to using the financial hurt of millions as an opportunity to push their political agenda?
- run up trillions of dollars of debt and then sell that debt to countries such as China?
- want government controlled health care?
- want to take away the right to vote with a secret ballot in union elections?
- refuse to stop the flow of millions of illegal immigrants into our country?
- appoint a defender of child pornography to the Number 2 position in the Justice Department?
- want to force doctors and other medical workers to perform abortions against their will?
- want to impose a carbon tax on your electricity, gas and home heating fuels?
- want to reduce your tax deductibility for charitable gifts?
- take money from your family budget to pay for their federal budget?
Some Important Links
Official Tax Day TEA Party
I encourage everyone to read Liberty & Tyranny by Mark R. Levin. Doug read it in one day. I'm still reading it, but its one of those books that I had to get out a pencil & highlight.
07 April 2009
For Aunt Jenny (& Everyone Else, Too!)
Sariah loves to watch videos online. So I though it was especially cute when she wanted to watch this one of her cousin Henry over & over. She laughs when Aunt Jenny drops the lion, asks "uh oh, what happened here!" when he pulls up on the bookcases, & of course asks to see it again when is all done. In case you're wondering, she's wearing a towel, because we watched this right after bath time. Enjoy!
Other Sariah fun:
playing w/ daddy
biker babe
biker babe 2
watching Curious George
A Susan Tag
1. Working out with Sariah
2. Long walks as a Family
3. Reading good books
4. Big salads for lunch
5. Trying a new healthy recipe
6. encouraging others
7. keeping my house clean
8.talking with a good friend
9. Doing something crafty
10. sleeping enough at night
Basic Pleasures – Things that provide a simple feel-good feeling.
1. playing my wii
2. creative writing
3. playgroups
4. warm spring or fall days at the playground
5. flying a kite
6. gardening
7. family vacations
8. Kissing my husband
9. lunch with Doug at work
10. Laughing with family
Guilty Pleasures – Pleasures that may bring shame or mild self-loathing or things that aren't really good or bad.
1. ordering pizza
2. Homemade macaroni and cheese
3. eating a pint of ice cream
4. Taking naps
5. Blog or facebook stalking
6. watching episode after episode of a show instead of doing something productive
7.shopping when we don't really need anything
8. youtube
9. puzzle games like tetris
10. random hair cuts
04 April 2009
Conference Weekend
Doug let me sleep in and then we enjoyed a brunch of oranges & conference rolls, a little recipe that I picked up from my ward mission leader in Wuerzburg on my mission (he was an American, btw...)