10 May 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Edit to add: The story w/ the flour isn't that exciting. My mom went shopping, left the flour on the table, turned her back on me, and when she came back, I had climbed up on the table and was sitting on the flour. She though it was so cute, she took a picture. Let's just say I had a slightly harder time w/ Sariah recreating the picture... ;)

Hope all those Mother's (and women who are like Mom's to us) have a wonderful Mother's day! Here's just a couple pictures to show that mothering hasn't changed that much.

Here's Marin... Here's Sariah...

Just a quick shout out to my Mom... love you!!!


Regan said...

Marin, those are the most adorable pictures!! What a resemblance. Happy Mother's Day!

Lisa said...

What a CUTE little Marin! And sweet Miss Sariah loves to be just like her mommy.

Jenny said...

So, is there a story behind sitting on a bag of flour?

Two very cute girls!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! She looks JUST like you! How cute! ~Jess Deschaines

Alma32 said...

cute idea. i like both pics.

Sarah said...

Wow, you guys could pass as twins! This is so priceless- love it!