29 July 2008

It Takes A Village...

I just wanted to take a moment and recognize some important people in Sariah's life. It is always wonderful as a parent to know you can get some help and you're not alone.

First off, our favorite librarian, Miss Tiffany. Its been almost a year since we started story time with Miss Tiffany and we think she's the best. She teaches us songs and rhymes and gives us great ideas for learning at home. I've pilfered one or two things from her for our church callings as well! She genuinely loves kids, and she loves books! I attribute Sariah's love for "the itsy bitsy spider" to Miss Tiffany. I trust her so much, she even babysat for us once. She makes the library fun for us, which is why we're there 2-3 times a week! We're very thankful to have her in our lives!

The second person I must mention is our peditrican, Dr. Lo. I hadn't met Dr. Lo before we had Sariah, we just chose him because he was the only pedi at the closest clinic to us, but I'm so thankful he was there. He's been the best doc ever. A few examples. Just this weekend Sariah ended up with hand, foot and mouth disease, and when I realized yesterday what it was, I emailed him, just to check if we should take her in, or if what we were doing for her was enough. It was kinda late yesterday, so as soon as he got to the clinic today I got a phone call. It wasn't from his nurse, it was from him. That's what I appreciate from him. He's attentive to detail and making sure the kids are treated right. Just read the statement he gives on the hmo website:

“I enjoy working closely with patients and providing the best care possible. I try to present all the information and options so parents can make the best decisions for their child. My goal is to treat every patient the way I want my own children to be treated.”

And that's exactly what he does. Two other examples. When Sariah was a month old, she got that typical newborn acne rash. When we went in for our one month he explained her rash to us (not that we were worried) but he couldn't remember exactly the name for it. Thirty min. after our appointment, I got a call from him (again, not his nurse) letting me know exactly what the rash was called. He had taken the time to look it up. I appreicate his dedication.

Also, when Sariah was almost 4 months old we were visiting my mom in Austin when Sariah had an allergic reaction to something and got a rash on her hands. I emailed Dr. Lo and got a response right back with how much medication I could give her. I don't think I'm the type of mom that calls the dr. over every little thing, but its nice to know that I have a caring Pedi. when something does come up.

There are really so many other people that bless our lives and help raise Sariah, and I'm thankful to all of them. Hopefully, I can highlight some others soon. For now, I say a big THANK YOU to Miss Tiffany & Dr. Lo!

1 comment:

Alan and Denise said...

It's great to have people who care, and that you can connect with, isn't it? And a good doctor makes a big difference when dealing with kids various illnesses and injuries.