After swim lessons we tried to go to playgroup and I would've taken some pictures there if it hasn't started pouring rain about 10 min. after we got there. So I scooped a screaming Sariah up ("NO WAY, NO WAY!!!") and ran for the car. Its a shame too, because it was the best park for Sariah sized kids that we've been to all Summer. I set her down to unlock the car and she made a brake for it. I'm talking a full out, (Monty Python)RUN AWAY! and finally stopped about 15 feet from me after I managed to throw our bags in the car. (Meanwhile my phone is ringing and I'm trying to make sure Sariah doesn't run into the street, its raining and I accidentally hung up, so, sorry whoever that was.) So she's scowling at me because I'm ruining all her fun, and I pick her back up and finally get her into her car seat.
Luckily, all this wore her out, so after lunch she went quietly to nap (for the first time in like 3 days!) We had to move her bed away from the window or all she does is stare out of it instead of sleep.
So its been a crazy morning! I hope this afternoon is calmer. At least I get a girls night out tonight (we're going bowling...)
Oh, and since I'm feeling generous, here is my Apfelkuchen recipe. (Just for you Julie!)
APFELKUCHEN by Brueder Kuhrmeyer
250g Mehl
1/2 Paeckchen Backpulver
1 Paecken Puddingpulver (Vanille)
180g Zucker
1 Paeckchen Vanillinzucker
4 Eier
100g Milch
100g Oil (Pflanzlich)
120g Butter
Alle Zutaten bis auf Oil und Butter in einen Schuessel verreichen, Oil und Butter zusammen in eine Schuessel u. hitzen, bis die Butter fleissig ist, etwas abkuehlen lassen und mit den restliche zutaten verreichen und dann auf einem Blich glattsbeichen. Apfel klein schneichen und daraufstelen. Der Kuchen mit etwas Zimtzucker besbencn und bei 200C ca 30 min backen.
Viel Spass beim nachbacken un einen Guten Appetit!
Hmmm...this brings back fond memories of an adorable child I knew well about 26 or 27 years ago...the good news is that you will be saying the same thing to Sariah in about 25 years! Love you!
haha...funny...leaving it in german!!!!!es ist gut dass ich immer noch deutsch lesen kann!!
Sariah looks so cute showing off in her swimsuit. She's grown a lot since we last saw her.
Your Apfelkuchen recipe looks delicious, but since its in German, I'll stick with the recipe I have that I've already labored to translate into English. They look fairly similar, ingredient wise. I need to brush up on my German studies, or I soon won't remember enough to be very useful.
It was fun reading it in German, though.
das deutsche rezept ist lustig. vielleicht probiere ich es mal aus. Es hoert sich sehr lecker an.
Greetings from Germany!!
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