19 August 2007

My Favorite Room

Some of you have asked for pictures of our house. Well, I'm not exactly ready to show off many of the other rooms, but I'm really excited about this one, so let me share. This is our living room/study/library/music room. I'm probably most excited about this room because we just got the books up on the book shelves last night and now it feels more complete. And I love books. I could sit here and read all day long, all we're really missing is some sqishy furniture to curl up in while I read, but I think that's a long time coming. For now, I'm happy. I think I'll go read a book...


Lisa said...

I love it!!! It's beautiful! I especially like the dark wood/baseboards w/ the white walls. So classy. The shelves and desk came out so well, too. It all works so nicely together.

Jenny said...

The bookshelves are nice. They go well.

Anonymous said...

What a great room! I love it.

Andrea said...

I have the same multi-picture picture frame. Did you register at Bed Bath and Beyond?

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

The room looks great! Of course, with two little Monkeys living in my house, the first thing I noticed was that my kids would climb over that piano and to their death in less than 2 seconds! Hopefully Sariah isn't a climber!!! :)

Marin said...

allison... that's exactly Doug's worry! Unfortuantly, Sariah is a climber, so we're going to have to watch extra carful!