14 November 2008

Happy Post!

I'm pretty sure its been a rotten week for many of us, so here's your oppertunity to talk about something happy! Let's cheer eachother up. I know I need it.

This is going to sound silly, but Austin Natural Soap makes me happy. I picked some up at Whole Foods while I was in Austin and it just makes me happy. (Here's their website: www.austinsoap.com) First off I already love long warm happy showers, but then I get this awesome soap that smells good (I'm currently using the Wildflower scent.) I'm not really even a soap person, but I can't wait to use this stuff everyday. I before this one I was using the cowboy soap that had little bumpy things in it and smelled like lime. At first I didn't like it, but now I really miss it. I'm totally buying me some more for Christmas.

Sariah makes me happy, too. She's in a very good mood today, and the way she giggles makes me happy. She loves Curious George, and its so much fun to watch the movie with her and watch her imitate her favorite parts.

Anyways, these are just a couple things, they're trival, but right now, they're making me seriously happy in a week where I felt blue. So, leave a comment! What's making you happy right now?


Lisa said...

Right now cashmere, merino and a book of knitted lace designs are keeping me happy.

Other warm fuzzies are: waking up to a smiling baby just inches from my face; discovering that said baby loves to hear me sing; baked potatoes made by my husband; Terry Pratchett novels; friends to chat with; and the smell of cinnamon and/or baked goods.

Anonymous said...

i love austin natural soap! =0) t whenever we're down at the WF on 5th we get a ton of it bulk. they have a SugarPlum at Christmastime that i LOVE. right now what makes me happy is only 4 exams, 3 days of clinicals left...happiness is getting all your meds in on time & the giant air bubble out of IV tubing..& getting your notes written & your reading done...

Susan said...

Being done with my recital makes me happy, family, kisses from nieces and nephews, Blue Bell ice cream, visiting Texas.

The Whittacres said...

It makes me happy my kids have been absolutely wonderful and a joy today. We went to two stores, to the park and they are still happy and playing well together. I also love celebrating birthdays it makes you appreciate life in general and since my daughters birthday today it has made things extra fun.

Alan and Denise said...

You're right...it's been a tough week. I'm happy when my family is happy. Happiness is also: cool weather, clean house, good news, projects done, a good sleep.

Jenny said...

My sweet baby makes me happy, especially when he's giggling or being silly or affectionate. Talking to Thomas or James and hearing what they think about things makes me happy. My new birthday dress makes me happy. Being able to veg in front of my tv shows after everyone has gone home and everything is cleaned up makes me happy.