20 October 2008


So I meant to write this post a week ago when the leafs were turning such pretty colors, but hadn't fallen off the trees en masse quite yet, but the day I finally took my camera with me to capture the beauty of Autumn it rained, so I didn't really get the pretty shots I wanted, but here's the best I could do.

I esp. like this magenta next to this bright orange...
The view as you drive down our street.

Anyways, it was nice to come back from Texas and be reminded of why Fall here is so nice. What isn't nice is the 8 hrs I spent last week raking all those leafs off my grass so they wouldn't kill it, only to have a bunch more fall, making my work futile. At least the city finally picked up the big piles!

So in conclusion, here's two totally pointless pictures of Sariah that have nothing to do with leafs, but also don't warrent their own post. Check out her shiner!Okay, actually its black ink from one of the stamps she got on her hands at the library story hour last Friday. She must of wiped her eye with the back of her hand before the stamp was totally dry. At least she missed her clothes!

This is her playing this morning.
I bought her this little people set a couple weeks back because it came with big blocks she could stack and I thought she'd like that, but it turns out she prefers to play with the two little people that came with it. She esp. likes to make them hold hands, its very cute!


Alan and Denise said...

Yes, she's cute. I'm glad I didn't get her that Little People set for her birthday. I was considering it, though.

I love your fall colors. Sorry you have to rake them all up, but at least you get to enjoy them first.

Amber and The Boys said...

THAT is why I miss WI fall. I used to drive down your road in the fall just cause it is so pretty! Oh I miss it! Sariah looks big and so pretty!! Look at her long blond hair!

Jenny said...

I LOVE how pretty your street is! I love tree-lined streets.

Lisa said...

Colors like that are why Texas "autumns" kind of bum me out. It's the one big down side to not getting cold. Sigh...

The Hof family said...

Your pictures make me miss the seasons even more! I love the colors of autumn.