20 March 2008

Easter Egg Hunt!

Today we attended our first (secular) Easter activity. The library had a HUGE Easter egg hunt for kids 5 and under, so I took Sariah. Really, there's nothing cuter than Sariah hunting for eggs.

We got there about 10 min. early and they had roped off the children's section so they could hide the eggs, so Miss Tiffany sang songs with the kids so they wouldn't get restless. The we were off. She did a really good job! She found 2 in the bookshelves before we decided to "check the story time room." (Also known as the room for the littler kids where there were just eggs strewn everywhere.) There were tons of yellow eggs and a few other colors so I suggested which color eggs Sariah should go for. I was impressed when she followed all my directions. She found a purple, then orange and finally pink with just a little nudge from Mommy! She even used my old Easter basket from when I was a kid. Sometimes she would carry it, but she wasn't really that interested, so I followed behind with it.

It was a great morning activity!

Verona Library Easter Egg Hunt


Lisa said...

How cute! We had an egg hunt at play group, and Joseph did pretty well. He had a tough time seeing them in the grass, but he went right for the eggs on the fence rails. Elena found 15 eggs, all by herself, in about 3 minutes--no worries there! ;)

Cute dress Sariah's got on. Did you make it or buy it?

Jenny said...

Looks like you guys had fun! I've been thinking about just making an easter egg hunt for the boys in my backyard, since public ones are usually not safe (either real eggs, or unsafe candy in the plastic eggs). They've never gotten to do one before. I think they'd enjoy it.