12 September 2007

This is the way we brush our teeth...

(these were taken on my phone because we couldn't run to get the camera...)

Sariah has 6 pearly whites, 4 on top 2 on bottom, so we decided it was probably time to start brushing them as part of her bed time routine. The first night she giggled and thought it was pretty funny when I brushed them. Since then she'd been doing a really good job, even though I'm sticking a wierd object into her mouth every night. About 4 nights ago, Doug decided he'd brush his teeth at the same time as her, so now after a minute of letting me brush, she insists on doing it herself, just like Daddy does. She actually does a pretty good job! She's very coordinated!


Susan and Chris said...

Wow she's growing up fast. I can't believe she's nearly one!

Andrea said...

Good for you guys starting her so young on doing it herself. Having an independent child is very important. The more they can do, the less you have to!